Proactive Life is a care provider that supports people across the UK with learning disabilities and / or mental health conditions and who have complex needs. We offer a supported living service where we work together so our people can achieve their goals in life. Those we help are our number one priority and respect and trust for them runs through every aspect of our work and approach.
Our philosophy and values run through all the support we give and are applicable to every person we help.
We believe our people should be supported to have a good and meaningful everyday life.
Here’s how:
Care and support should be person-centred, planned, coordinated and proactive.
Our service users should have choice and control over how their health needs are met.
People with a learning disability and/or autism should be supported to live in the community.
People we support should have a choice about where and with whom they live.
We train our staff to support service users who present with behaviours that challenge in a personalised way.
We work with individuals with learning disabilities or mental health issues and any related behaviours and who need assistance with independent living and finding their place in the community.
Whilst every situation is different, the level of support we offer is the same, simply moulded to each person and their needs.
Two inspiring stories of our service users
How our multidisciplinary team support our service users.
Our Services and Locations
Offering tenancy via our landlord partner accommodation in our nine bedded bespoke service offers a single gender environment in a modern detached house.
Focusing on maintaining recovery and well being the enhanced staffing facilitates at Henley offer a supported return to community living for people who have spent lengthy periods in care.
How you can refer to us
We welcome referrals from local authorities and local health authorities, social workers, Community Mental Health Teams, Community Learning Disability Teams or individuals or their family members.
To make a referral, arrange a free of charge pathway planning meeting or to find out more about how we can help, please send some details to our team at
Alternatively, please fill out our contact form and one of the team will get back in touch shortly.